Monday, July 27, 2009

L G Brown & Co. (Textiles) Ltd.

Wow, this was the shortest email scam I have received to date.  I guess this scammer didn't want to waste a bunch of time typing.

Job Opportunity For Accounts Officer Representative/Collection AgentsRespond if interested persons shold contact us via email

~Jennifer Fisher
Other places to find Me:
My Website
To YOUR Success

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Obstacles are those frightening things you see when you take your eye off the target. ~ unknown

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The E-book that changed my home business and actually changed my life -
Carve your name on hearts and not marble. ~Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

All you require to be successful is the desire to achieve success and the determination to stick with it until you reach your goals.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

To those who can dream there is no such place as faraway. ~ Unknown

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails. ~John Maxwell

Monday, July 13, 2009

Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. ~Joshua J. Marine

Character is Reflected in One's Attitude

Thought for the Day

July 12, 2009


Without a strong foundation built on positive character traits, success will not long endure. It is virtually impossible to fake good character. Phonies are quickly spotted because they haven’t the substance and determination to maintain the charade. Developing good character begins with a positive attitude. Your desire to be a good, decent, honest, considerate person must first take place in your mind. When you make the decision to become a person of character, you will also find that you are much more willing to do the right thing simply because it is the right thing to do.

This positive message is brought to you by the Napoleon Hill Foundation. Visit us at We encourage you to forward this to friends and family. They can sign up for this free service at our web site.


~Jennifer Fisher
Other places to find Me:
My Website
Download Success in 10 Steps
To YOUR Success
Thanking everyone for all the Happy Birthday wishes !

Friday, July 10, 2009

No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted ~Aesop

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A Positive Mental Attitude allows you to tap the source of great power that resides within you

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Purpose of a Business

From Michael Oliver of   Natural Selling

Allow me ask you a question… and without intellectualizing it or thinking what you think might be a clever answer, please say out loud the first thing that comes to your mind…

What's the Purpose of a business…? Any business in the world?

Perhaps your answer might be something like, “Make money” or “To make a profit” or “To be fulfilled”.

Or, perhaps your answer might look like this, “To help others” or “To fulfill the needs of others” or “To help people solve their problems.”

If your answer to my question was similar to the first set, such as making money, ask yourself this, does your answer demonstrate a focus on you and your business or does it focus on other people? It's on you and what you want, isn’t it? To be more precise, this is your Personal Agenda.

And the second set? Your focus is on others, to help them get what they want. This is what I call coming from a place of Purpose.

The reason I ask the question 'What is the Purpose of a business?' is because your answer reveals a vitally important awareness for you… your words give you away!!

How? Because your thoughts and words are energy that people directly or indirectly feel. Have you ever thought they can consciously and subconsciously feel your real intent? That they know whether you are focused on your Personal Agenda, which is about you and what you want, or on your Purpose, which is about helping them get what they want?

To paraphrase an ancient saying…

Your words are an extension of your thoughts
Your actions are an extension of your words
And your habits are an extension of your actions

You demonstrate who you are, and people judge and respond to you, based on your words, your actions and your habits. And it all starts where? With a thought! Everything starts with a thought. That's why thoughts are so powerful. That's why choosing how you think and act will determine how life responds to you and what you receive in life.

So the question you have to ask yourself is, are you in business for you or are you in it for other people! You can discover the truth by answering the following question.

If your solution cannot solve someone's problem, is there any reason for them to do business with you?

No, there isn't! (The definition of a problem is simply the difference between what a person has and what they want!)

So there are two important dynamics here, Purpose and Personal Agenda. It's a matter of choice. There is no right or wrong in choosing your focus to be one or the other. However, what you choose will reflect your long term results.

While you think about this, take a moment to consider the dynamics mentioned previously about focusing on yourself.

If you are focused on yourself all the time, is your life likely to be a struggle to get what you want and even to maintain it? Conversely, when you effectively focus on others, and know how to help them, do you think your intentions and desires can be achieved with less effort?

Another ancient saying says, "When you seek to serve, you ultimately serve yourself!" It's just a matter of knowing how to do it!

In Natural Selling while it's important to focus on your Purpose, it's also important not to lose sight of achieving your Personal Agenda because that is also why you are here on this planet.

The question that you must ask yourself however is, "Do I make my Personal Agenda my principal focus, or is there another way that will allow me to effortlessly and easily help others get what they want that will ultimately allow me to get what I want without any anxiety in the process of doing so?"

If you choose the latter then Natural Selling is exactly that, for the Purpose of a business, in Natural Selling terms, is not about you, it's simply about helping other people solve their problems… And that is the first principle of Natural Selling…

Principle #1 Natural Selling is helping other people solve their problems

Now, if you know how to help people solve their problems, and you can do it with your own solutions, you will achieve what? Your Personal Agenda, which is your own reason for being in business.

Selling As A Problem Solving Exercise.

So if the purpose of a business is to help other people solve their problems, you could say that selling is merely a Problem Solving Exercise. It's not a telling or persuading exercise. It's all to do with problem solving.

You could call yourself a PROBLEM SOLVER! With problems come opportunities and the opportunity for you is to help others get what they want and to be rewarded for it.

Michael Oliver is author of  "How To Sell Network Marketing Without Fear, Anxiety or Losing Your Friends!" (Selling from the Soul. Ancient Wisdoms. Modern Practice.)

Michael also offers free Newsletters, Free weekly Sales tips, E-courses, Home Study Courses and other things.  Visit his site here.

~Jennifer Fisher
Other places to find Me:
My Generic Website
Download Success in 10 Steps
To YOUR Success
One of the secrets of life is to make stepping stones out of stumbling blocks. ~Jack Penn

Friday, July 3, 2009

Life without liberty is like a body without spirit. ~ Kahlil Gibran

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Don't let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was ~ Richard L. Evans

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

When a man is wrong and won't admit it, he always gets angry. ~Thomas Chandler Haliburton

Trying To Get Without First Giving

Since the dawn of man, it's been a rule.  To get more, we must give more first.  So it is in Network Marketing also. Just try to reverse this law and see.

Thought for the Day

July 1, 2009


The Bible states that we reap what we sow. The most fertile soil in the world is barren unless seeds have been properly planted, cultivated, and nurtured. The relationship between giving and getting is constant in everything you do. To succeed in any endeavor, you must first invest a generous portion of your time and talents if you expect ever to earn a return on your investment. You have to give before you get. It’s all a matter of attitude. You may occasionally be disappointed if you are not rewarded for your efforts, but if you demand payment for your services before you render them, you can expect a lifetime of disappointment and frustration. If you cheerfully do your best before asking for any compensation, you can expect a bountiful harvest of the greatest rewards life has to offer.

This positive message is brought to you by the Napoleon Hill Foundation. Visit us at

~Jennifer Fisher